
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Is It Worth It?

      The 13th General Election. Such a hot topic now in Malaysia. Everywhere they are countless political parties flags being hanged. I can say that the enthusiasm of the parties are quite high. As a non-voter, I can feel the spirit cast by the supports.

       Though that seems like a pleasant image, what I'm worried about is the state of peace in this country. Tensions are high. Not even 5 minutes on Facebook or Twitter where you won't see a political post. Supporters from both sides, who were friends(or used to be), bashing each other over who's side is superior. Countless videos being circulated on the wide web, slander being out forth to demean the other party. Is this what we want? Disharmony and discord?

       We wanted a fair election, but look now. Already there are fights breaking out all over the country, most of them done by thugs, who I undoubtedly believe, having been paid by BOTH side of the contending party. Yes, I said it, BOTH sides. It would be a stupidly, immature and naively thing to believe that only one side are instigating this incidents. The prize is power, power over a country that has great potential to improve and progress to international recognition level. Who wouldn't be desperate enough to do anything, even disrupting peace, if greed and power-hungry are the coals to their ambition.

        I see posts and comments, calling those who vote Party X are stupid, dumb, brainwashed and ungrateful while another said Party Y are corrupt, power-hungry, idiots, oppressive and selfish. Friendships and kinship being broken, and for what? A political party? Yes, it is your right to choose a party that best represents your believe, but thread carefully. Do not condemn others of their choice. If you do not agree with any of their points, make a civilised and mature conversation. Fight with facts, not just using your emotion. God gave you brains, use it well. Otherwise you wouldn't be any different than from a neanderthal.

        One of the thing that bugs me the most are the race card. Oh my god, how that annoys and infuriates me. And trust me, both of them uses it. Feeding everyone racist sentiments just to bolster your own support. That is dishonesty, in my book. You claim and preach about unity, yet you divide. Being Malaysian means respecting other races, not just your own. Use that card to promote unity. I won't comment on the Bumiputera vs non-Bumiputera issue, because I am a torn man. Let this be sort out by those who knows these things best.

         Let's say this party X wins this election, with all this fighting and feelings of malice, disharmony, paranoia, was all the campaigning worth it? Is it worth destroying the peace we had, however fragile that was, just because you wanted power. This applies to both sides, you know. Using fear might be a good way to win, but maintaining power using it is a hell of a job. That's how rebellion starts, you know.

         Alas, these are my two cents. If you agree, good. If you don't well, that's your view. If you disagree with me, feel free to leave a reasonable reason and comment. For those who are voting and have decided on who to vote, be safe. Those who still can't vote, like me, there's always next time. In Shaa Allah.

Till next time.


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